NBARC Community Events

Community Events notices and reports.ARES Events and reports are included as well.

2024 NBMCA Canoe Race - JUN 8, 2024


2nd try with the corrected date.
We are coming up to the Canoe Race (Jun 8th) and need at least 3 more volunteers.
If you want to help out, here is the link to the NBMCA web page for info.
You can log into the VE3NBC website or contact me to sign up.
Please let me know asap, as Paula from the NBMCA is looking for confirmation we will attend.

Thanks in advance.
Paul, VA3PC

2024 NBMCA Canoe Race Reminder


We are coming up to the Canoe Race (May 8th) and need at least 3 more volunteers.
If you want to help out, here is the link to the NBMCA web page for info.
You can log into the VE3NBC website or contact me to sign up.
Please let me know asap, as Paula from the NBMCA is looking for confirmation we will attend.

Thanks in advance.
Paul, VA3PC

2024 North Bay Triathlon

The triathlon event committee has reached out to us to request our assistance.
Bill VE3TGI indicated to them that any assistance we can provide will be communications related only.
Just a heads up to book the date in case they get back to us with more information.
Please indicate your interest by signing up on the website. Thanks in advance.
73 Paul, VA3PC

2024 NBMCA Canoe Race

NBMCA is once again asking for our help with communications for the Canoe Race this year.
If you would like to volunteer, please sign up on the website. Further details as we get closer to the event date.
Having the race earlier in the year and the water levels being higher and colder, communication will be even more important.
PFD’s will be mandatory for all paddlers due to the time of year as well and NBMCA will have additional assistance
with several boats on the larger lakes.
73 Paul, VA3PC

2023 Run Off the Grid

Nature's Harmony Run Off the Grid Race
We will probably need 5 or 6 volunteers
More information posted after Labour Day weekend.

2022 Run Off the Grid - 24 September 2022


Hello everyone!

Run Off the Grid 2022 is rapidly approaching and we are in need of volunteers for the event.

Please sign up on the event page on the website or by emailing myself at

Looking forward to getting out to this fun event!


Chris VA3CMX

2022 Run Off the Grid

Run off the Grid !
at Nature's Harmony

2022 NBMCA Canoe Race

Its Back! The 45th Annual Canoe Race.
It doesn't sound like there will be a banquet this year, so we will be finished early.
Let me know if you are planning to attend (or click on the attend button)
I'm guessing 5-6 people required (more would allow relief at checkpoints).
The info is here:

2020 Run off the Grid Update


Hello Everyone;

During the final preparation for Run Off the Grid this year, the organizers have determined that they need to limit
not only participants but volunteers on site.

As a result they have asked us to limit our participation to 5 volunteers this year.

The first five people to respond are:
Paul, VA3PC
Wanda VE3KOJ
Drew, VE3MAF
Lori, VE3LOR
Dave, VA3NBH

Run off the Grid is a GO - Sept 26th.


Run off the Grid is a go with a limit of 100 participants.
This would have been the 10th year, but due to the registration limit, they are going to call it the 9.5 year anniversary.
They will have COVID-19 protocols in place, volunteers are asked to wear masks.
Race course will be in one direction this year, so the checkpoints will be less hectic.
Staggered start for the three races 45 minutes apart, with the shortest race (12.5k) leaving at 10:30.
No food for competitors at the checkpoints, only liquids in disposable cups.


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