RAC Bulletin 100724

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RAC Ontario Section Bulletin for July 24, 2010

1. Brantford Hamfest
The Brantford Amateur Radio Club will hold its Hamfest 2010 on
Saturday, August 14, at the Burford Fairgrounds, 6 Park Avenue in
Burford. Open to the public at 9 a.m.; talk-in on VE3TCR repeater,
147.150 (+) tone 131.8.  For more information visit www.ve3ba.com
-- RAC Events Database
2. Girl Guides Contact ARISS
On Friday, July 16, the Girl Guides of Canada spoke with astronaut
Doug Wheelock, KF5BOC via Amateur Radio on the International Space
Station (ARISS). The initial call to the ISS was made by the
Commissioner of Girl Guides of Canada.  The girls had gathered at
Guelph Lake, Ontario for the Guiding Mosaic 2010 to celebrate the
100th anniversary of Girl Guides in Canada, and were supported by
the  Guelph Amateur Radio Club.
-- AMSAT News and Girl Guides of Canada
3. WorkedGrids software
WorkedGrids is a freeware Windows application, developed by Bertrand
VE2ZAZ, that displays a map showing Amateur Radio grid squares logged
using a third-party logging program. It uses colors to display up to
four bands concurrently.  The program reads the plain-text ASCII log
files generated by most logging programs. WorkedGrids can be
downloaded from http://tinyurl.com/24okrtm (Two Four Oscar Kilo Romeo
Tango Mike)
-- AMSAT News Service
4. Seven CQ WorldWide Contest Disqualifications
The CQ WW Contest Committee has continued its crackdown on cheating
in log checks on the 2009 CQ WorldWide SSB contest, tossing out the
top QRP score and moving a top low power entrant to the Assisted
category.  Seven "red card" disqualifications and four "yellow card"
warnings were issued, mostly for unclaimed assitance or unverifiable
QSOs. For more information visit www.radio-sport.net
-- Radio-Sport.net