HF Rig Donation to N.B.A.R.C.
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If anyone is interested in either of the two rigs, please drop Gil a line at his e-mail address.
I am sure that he would be pleased to know that Jack's rigs would be in use in
the North Bay area. 73 Paul, VA3PC
Gil McElroy (gmcelroy2@gmail.com) sent a message using the contact form at
Good morning. I am a radio amateur (inactive) currently living east of
Cobourg, Ontario. My Elmer was the late Jack Bolton, VE3PKD, longtime North
Bay resident and my former father-in-law. Jack brought me into ham radio in
the early 1990s.
I'm about to retire and relocate back to North Bay. But I will be unable to bring
my hobby with me where I will be living, so I am writing to enquire as to whether
the club might accept a donation of two of Jack's rigs: a Kenwood TS-520s
transceiver,and his beloved Astro 103. Because of several moves I have made
I've not been able to enjoy working the rigs.The Kenwood fires up just fine, but
I no longer have the power supply Jack built for the Astro. It was last used
in 2014. I would like to bring the rigs back home to North Bay
where I think they rightfully belong. I have manuals and files of
documentation for both rigs.
Gil McElroy, VE3PKD (ex VE1PKD)