Rod VE3NXM is looking to "gift" some equipment.
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Rod is moving after next weekend to a condo in North Bay. He is looking to dispose of his ham gear, since he wasn't able to put up his tower since moving here 7 years ago. After mentioning it on the net this morning, I was contacted and its all spoken for at the current time. I will advise if that changes.
Tower / Antennas (as described by Rod):
Hygain TH3JR disassembled and Discone type 2 meter antenna (stored in his garage). (TH3JR manual)
Hygain 36ft telescoping self support crank up tower (on the ground in his backyard) - Manual says 52ft. (HG52SS) (21 ft nested)
The tower appears to be heavy duty, (9.5 sq ft antenna wind load) and requires a long trailer with a few assistants to move it.
Ham IV or CD44 rotor and control box with manuals. (both manuals - only one rotor)
G5RV with writeup.
Hand wound balun (isolation loop)
HF Radio:
Kenwood TS520 plus VFO520 and speaker SP520. with manuals, service manual and schematics. Also spare final tubes.
There is also a microphone and straight key.
MFJ 949 Versatuner with manual
Give me a call for further info.
Paul, VA3PC 705-752-1683 afternoons