RAC Bulletin 2015-06-20

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RAC Ontario Sections Bulletin for Jun 20, 2015

This is V__3____, Official Bulletin Station for Radio Amateurs of
Canada, with this week's bulletin


1. RAC Canada Day Contest is Coming!

July 1st is Canada Day. Join in our country's birthday celebration by
entering our Contest.
Rules are found here: http://wp.rac.ca and search for Canada Day Contest.

You can also go to our new website and use the drop down menu
"Programmes" on the upper left side
to go to Contesting Results. The rules and past results as well as
other resources will be on that page.

--- RAC Events


2. Burlington AMateur Radio Club 41st ONTARIO HAMFEST

Date : Saturday, July 11, 2015
Location: Milton Agricultural Fairgrounds
Times : 07:00 Inside & Commercial Vendors;
08:00 Tailgate Vendors;
09:00 General Admission;
Cost : General Admission: $7.00
Talk-in : 146.520 Simplex - Ontario Hamfest Talk-In

SPECIAL GUEST - Greg Jurrens (K5GJ)
Courtesy of RadioWorld.ca

Vendor costs and regulations, please see the website.
For more info: ontariohamfest @ barc.ca
Website: http://ontariohamfest.ca

--- RAC Events


3. A reminder to use caution when erecting antennas.

The sudden passing due to electrocution of a well known member of the
amateur radio fraternity,
reiterates the need for due diligence when installing or repairing
ARRL West Virginia Section Manager Charles Hardy, WV8CH, of
Fayetteville, died June 14,
apparently as the result of an accidental electrocution while he was
working on an antenna at his home.
He was 50 and had been a radio amateur since 2008.
Hardy was the President of the Plateau Amateur Radio Association (PARA),
the Summit Repeater Association,
and held many ARRL positions besides Section Manager.
Survivors include his wife, Jane, WV8JH.

--- Glenn Killam VE3GNA


4. Weather Radio Net

The Weather Radio Net is back and has been since March 16. The net can
be heard on Monday evenings
at 1900 hours local on IRLP reflector 9038 and on Echo Link node VE3ZHR
(the Ontario Public Service Reflector).
The net's main focus is: Weatheradio Canada&U.S. and other related
topics like CANWARN and SKYWARN.
the net also promotes the Weather Radio Listeners Newsletter which is
published quarterly in:
February, May, August and November.
If you wish to join the Weather Radio Listeners Newsletter mailing list,
please email Gord VA3WXA
at wxrnewsletter @ gmail.com - There is also a twitter feed, contact
Gord for the details.

--- Gord VA3WXA

This concludes this week's bulletin. Does anyone require repeats or
Hearing none, This is V__3____ returning the frequency to net control.