1411 - NBARC November 12th, 2014 Meeting Notice

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The NBARC November 12th, 2014 meeting is upon us. It is this coming Wednesday November 12th, 2014 at the OPP RHQ Community Boardroom - 911A Gormanville Rd. North Bay. The doors will open about 1915ET (dependent upon when we finish dinner). Here is how to get there if you need it.  http://www.ve3nbc.ca/content/meeting-location-2013.
The TRILLIUM Committee will have a report. We had a very ggod tirp to VIA Trailers in Bolton. Doug also took a look at Miska Trailers which is the only Canadian manufacturer of trailers. Paul has added a 'TRAILER' tab to the home page of the website. http://www.ve3nbc.ca/forum/168 . Take a look. It is a forum so you are able to leave comments/questions etc.
Chris will have an update on the elections.
Bill should have an update at to whether we can hold our Christmas Party at Arlene & Guido's again this year.
Dinner will be a Joey's Only at 1800ET. First one there get a table for 8.
73 and hope to see you there.
