1410 - NBARC October 8th, 2014 Meeting Report
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Called to order at 1935ET.
New hams/members: Nelson Bramham interested in becoming ham.
Nets: Sunday Net 3768 KHz 0900ET. Still get 8-10 check-ins. Check in and surprise Paul.
Echolink/IRLP/Repeaters: Still working well. Real time clock ordered has been received. It will have to be installed and see if it makes a difference. If it does, Paul will arrange replacement of the original two.
IRLP/Echolink computer has been updated with a SSL patch to prevent hacking.
Website: Still working well.
ARES: Nothing new.
Hamfests: Markham Hamfest November 1st, 2014. Doug VA3DLJ and a couple of others are going.
RAC: Paul sent a report. More on the website. Paperwork is being readied for insurance submission. Our club RAC renewal will be submitted at that time. The ARRL website has been hacked. If you have a login there, be advised to change password.
EVENTS: Run off the Grid. Was attended by 6 hams. We could have used some more help. It was a good time. Food was good. It is a great fun event.
Hospital Walk/Run Sunday October 19th, 2014. We need 8 to 10 volunteers. Please sign up on the website or drop Bill a line ve3nbc@ve3nbc.ca. Or (705) 476-4752.
Christmas Party. Bill VA3SPT will look into Guido and Arlene's. They are now open Wednesday through Sunday evenings. We usually hold the party on a Thursday (Dec 4,11,18 this year). If they can't accommodate us we may have to move to a Tuesday. Stand by for updates. Paul will put a voting section on the website when we have the day figured out.
Dues are due. RAC members $20.00. non-RAC members $30.00.
New Business: nil
Old Business: Rick mentioned some equipment that is available.
Trillium Grant was discussed. The motion was modified to read as follows;
“The NBARC Club supports and endorses the North Bay and Area Mobile Communications Centre and Emergency Response Unit Project. We also approve the completion of the application and the presentation of the application and information for approval prior to submission.”
Voted on by secret ballot. YES – 11. NO – 3. Motion carried.
Next Trillium meeting October 22nd, 2014 1900ET at Keelings (Twin Court II 935 Stockdale Rd. North Bay, P1B 9L7) in the common room. If you are interested in assisting come on out and use your expertise to go forward.
Chris VA3CMX will be presenting elections information and possible vote at the November 12th, 2014. IF the election is not held in November it will be held at the January 14th, 2015 meeting.
Adjourned at 2135ET.
73/Drew VE3MAF