1409 - NBARC September 10th, 2014 Meeting Report
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Called to order at 1935ET.
Correspondence: nil
Treasurer: nil
New Hams: nil
Net: 80M Sundays 0930ET. 8-10 check-ins on the average.
Repeaters: Still up and running. Paul installed the spare board at VE3NFM. Replaced the power supply for the VE3NBC-15 digi. Ordered another real time clock. Echolink/IRLP still running. The NBARC web site www.ve3nbc.ca still up and running. Check it for updates.
ARES: IMS100 training available on the web. Free.
Hamfests: Lindsay Sept 13, 2014. York Regional Nov 1, 2014.
Contest Club: Nothing definite but it looks like it will be continuing.
RAC: Paul gave a report.
Field Day: Paul gave a short report. Log books worked well. Will cost more as the Mattawa Conservation wants to be on our RAC insurance policy. Looking at a possible change of location next year.
Trillium Committee: Doug gave a report. Showed pictures of our current trailer. Our October meeting, Oct 8th 2014 will be dedicated to discussing the Trillium Grant and the direction the club wants to go. The following motion will be presented at the meeting:
“The NBARC Club supports and endorses the North Bay & Area Mobile Communications Centre and Emergency Response Unit Project. We also approve the completion of the application and the submission of the application to the Ontario Trillium Foundation.”
The Trillium Committee wants to go look at actual trailers. Doug requested club cover gas money to trip to look at trailer. Keeling seconded. Carried.
Old business: Triathlon. Had one minor issue. Some discussion followed.
Mattawa River Canoe Race. Great event. No problems.
SITP. Went well. Few minor issues. Trailer was only big enough for 3 people. Not a lot of traffic.
Run off the Grid. Saturday September 20th, 2014 at Natures Harmony in Mattawa. Great event and growing. We need a couple more operators. Please sign up on the web site. Chris will appreciate the help.
Hospital Run. October 19th, 2014. Short morning event. Stay tuned for more info.
New Business. Plan Christmas Party. Suggestion to get a PR person. Will be discussed in the future.
Election. November meeting. Bill will NOT be running. Looking at an election committee. Chris will chair the election committee.
Chris has a supplier for power poles. Willing to take orders. Watch the Web site for more.
Adjourned 2125ET