1406 - NBARC June 11, 2014 Meeting Report
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NBARC June 11, 2014 meeting report.
Called to order at 1935ET.
Correspondence: All under events.
Treasurer: nil
New hams/members: nil
80M net: Still running ok. Bands are poor.
Repeaters: Still working. Bill has paint for the repeater shack. Paul is still working on the time standard.
Echolink/IRLP: Paul had to change the power supply in the computer.
ARES: Trailer still at my place.
Hamfest: Paul gave a report on the Dayton Hamfest. Had a good time.
RAC: Paul gave a report. Check the website for more.
Old Business: CANWARN. Well attended. About 1/2 were hams.
Trillium Grant. Committee members gave reports. Due to grant requirements it was decided to extend the timeline to submit the grant until 2015. In preparation for the grant submission we will be having a discussion of the grant requirements and the direction the members would like to see the club take. This discussion will be held at the October 8, 2014 meeting.
Field Day. Lori still needs volunteers and possibly a cook. There is set-up and tear down. Watch the web site for more. Bulletins will be sent around. As was said before..... If you are going to be there for supper let Lori know or there won't be any food for you!
Triathalon. Sunday June 29th (during Field Day). We need 6 to 8 members. Sign up on the web site.
Mattawa Canoe Race. July 26th 2014. Moving checkpoint 2 to a better location. Will need volunteers.
Lost in the Rocks and Trees has been cancelled for this year.
We have 2 fall events. The Hospital run and The Run Off the Grid.
SITP. I tis being held behind the museum this year. Our trailer will be down sized. Paul has sign up sheets. It takes about 3 weeks for the security check.
Patric4Life. Good event. No major problems. Had a minor problem with the lead bike. Runners were running 4 abreast down Lakeshore Dr.
New Business: nil
Adjourned at 2110ET
Next meeting is September 10th, 2014.
73/Drew VE3MAF