1310 - NBARC October 9th, 2013 Meeting Report
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NBARC October 9, 2013 Meeting Report.
There were 10 for dinner at Joey's.
Called to order at 1940ET by Bill.
Correspondence: CNIB request for donations. Donate $100. Drew/Chris passed.
Treasurer: We are fluid. Dues are due as of September. $10.00 for RAC members and $20.00 for non RAC members this year. RAC dues and insurance are due October 31st. Paul will put out a renewal reminder.
New hams/members: OX3XR Peter was at dinner. Have several people interested in ham licence. If you know of anyone invite them to a meeting or coffee etc.
Nets: 80M net. Going well. Generally 6-10 check-ins.
Repeaters: Working well. Time is still drifting. Paul is working on the problem.
Echolink/IRLP/I-Gate: Computer was broken while Paul was in Thunder Bay. Has put in a new motherboard. Appears to be working well now.
Website: Working well. Lots of information available.
ARES: Nothing new. SET October 26th 2013 scenario available.
Contest Club: Ken gave a report. Lost a 70ft tower in a windstorm. Replacing the Explorer antenna. Still going strong. Looking at CQ world wide the end of the month.
RAC: Paul gave a report. Check the website for more.
Events: ROTG: Went well. Was a bit wet. LOTSA FUN!!
Hospital Walk/Run October 20th 2013 at the Regional health centre. Start at 0845ET at the cell tower and about a half day long. There are five separate events. We will be there for health and safety. Need at least 8 and better to have 10 hams. Bill will be sending around more info.
York regional Hamfest. My van is going. Room for 1 more possibly 2.
Old Business: ARES SET. October 26th 2013. We are going to work it but keep it small. Could use a couple of more volunteers. More to follow from Chris.
Christmas Dinner. Bill will check out The Rose Garden. Are there any other suggestions? If so please let Bill know. Dates are a choice of December 5, 12, 19th. These are Thursdays. Paul will be putting a poll on the website.
Gerry handed in income from sales at the Northern Ontario Hamfest. $200.00. Very small list left. Going to hold the hamfest again in two years.
VESTS. Bill demonstrated lettering. Will look for reflective material. Gerry also demonstrated lettering. Bill still has vests at $15.00 each. Deferred til next meeting.
New Business: OX3XR Peter. In town on aviation business. He is from NUUK Greenland. 64.10N05145W. Due east of Iqaluit Nunavut.
Adjourned at 2110.
The next meeting is November 13th 2013
73/Drew VE3MAF