2015 NBARC Christmas Party
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va3pc - 2015, November 11 - 22:20

We have booked the back room at Wacky Wings this year for our Christmas Get Together.
Order off the menu - https://wackywings.ca/en/menus/dinner-menu/north-bay-menu/ - as you can see, there is whole lot more than wings, even gluten free and vegetarian options.
Meet and Greet @ 18:00, order @ 18:30, eat and enjoy the company and conversation(s).
We need to let the restaurant know numbers on Monday Dec 7, so please sign up or leave a comment on the website with your number.
As usual, we will be collecting for the Santa Fund.
Hopefully see you there !
73, Paul, VA3PC
2015/12/09 - 18:45
Indications from the meeting Nov 11/2015
Rick VE3ATK, 2
Lori VE3LOR, 2
Dan VE3YUI, 2
Bruce VA3BDR, 1
Gerry VE3YO, 1
Howard VE3GMG, 1
Dan VE3DLL, 1
Drew, VE3MAF 1 for sure.
Bill VE3TGI, 1
Xmas party
I hope it's not too late to add myself and Carol to the list of attendees.
Christmas Party
Not at all, the more the merrier !