RAC Bulletin 110305

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RAC Ontario Section Bulletin for March 5, 2011
1. RAC Will Be At Dayton
After a long absence, Radio Amateurs of Canada will have a booth at
the 2011 Dayton Hamvention, May 20-22 in Dayton, Ohio.  RAC is
looking for volunteers to help run the booth at the hamfest, and for
a Team Leader to organize the event. If you are interested in
helping, please call the RAC office at 877-273-8304.
-- RAC Blog

2. Ontario Network Merger
Effective Sunday, March 6th, the Ontario IRLP net will combine with
the ProCom net to become the new Ontario Provincial Communications
Network.  The net will operate Sunday and Thursday evenings at 8 pm
Eastern Time, and a new format using the EMO District names will be
introduced to expedite checkins.
-- Bob Gammon, VA3RX, Ontario SEC
3. Sudbury ARES Meeting
An meeting of the Sudbury ARES group is scheduled for March 16, 7 pm,
at the EOC in Azilda.  Everyone is welcome.
-- Stiig Larsen, VE3LBX, DEC Killarney District

4. Ham-Ex 2011 Hamfest
The Peel and Mississauga Amateur Radio Clubs will hold Ham-Ex 2011 on
Saturday, March 26, at the Brampton Fall Fairgrounds, Heart Lake Road
and Old School Road, in Brampton.  Exhibits open at 8 a.m., flea
market at 9 a.m.  Talk-in on VE3PRC 146.880 (-) no tone, or VE3MIS
145.430 (-) 103.5 Hz tone.  For more information visit www.ham-ex.ca
-- RAC Events Database
5. Google Science Fair
Hams bewteen the ages of 13 and 18 may want to enter Google's Global
Science Fair.  The science project is submitted on-line and will be
judged by a panel of teachers.  The deadline for submissions is
April 4.  See www.google.com/events/sciencefair for details.
-- ARRL Contest Update
6. Working ARISSat-1
David Jordan AA4KN's excellent article on working ARISSat-1,
originally published in the February 2011 issue of QST magazine, is
now available for download at tinyurl.com/work-arissat1. It's a 1.1
MB PDF file.  ARISSat-1 will operate from the ISS on April 12, and is
scheduled to be deployed in July.
-- AMSAT News