Recent posts

Type Titlesort descending Author Replies Last Post
Poll What evening for the 2017 Christmas Party? va3pc 2017, October 21 - 12:00
Newsletter issue What you need for Run Off the Grid 2015 va3cmx 2015, September 16 - 23:15
Forum topic What's Better Than Wi-Fi? Super Wi-Fi! How the FCC paved the way for the next generation of wireless innovations. KD8LWV 2010, October 21 - 19:21
Poll What's your favorite Band/Mode of operation? Visitor (not verified) 2009, April 22 - 13:19
Poll Will you participate in Field Day 2015 if the club sets up to operate va3pc 1 2015, April 17 - 18:58
Web Links Wire Antennas va3pc 2012, July 18 - 15:34
Newsletter issue WNSP-1 Balloon Launch 2017 ve3maf 2017, May 27 - 15:39
Photo Work Party - 13 Nov 2010 va3pc 2010, November 17 - 13:05
Newsletter issue Work Party - Tower Drive (VE3NFM Site) - Eviction of Rodents va3pc 2010, October 10 - 10:05
Forum topic York Regional ARC Trailer Pictures ve3maf 2014, November 6 - 14:37
Newsletter issue York Regional Hamfest 2012 ve3maf 2012, November 1 - 19:36
Poll Your Handheld Amateur Radio is? va3pc 2009, March 6 - 09:33
Poll Your HF Amateur Radio (Base) is? va3pc 2009, March 6 - 09:22
Poll Your Mobile Amateur Radio is? va3pc 2009, March 6 - 09:26
Forum topic [Operation] New digipeater/igate in Huntsville VE3MOW 1 2020, May 22 - 10:32
