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A new Ham has questions about APRS. I bought this neat new Radio and was wondering a few things about setting up the APRS features of the radio. I have a Yaesu FTM-350 and the APRS manual is bigger than the operating manual for the regular features of the radio. Since I am new I would like some help identifing some of the settings I need to adjust to work the radio correctly. First things first what Baud rate for the APRS function should I use 1200 or 9600?
Next question what baud rate should I use for Data?
I think the Frequency for APRS operation is 144.390 but are there any other special settings to go along with this frequency?
On the APRS frequency is there a positve or negative offset? Is there a PL tone required? Is This a Simplex frequency?
More Questions to come.
Mike. I don't know much (well
Mike. I don't know much (well anything) about the Yeasu and yes the APRS section can be bigger than the radio section. As for your questions.... 1200baud, simplex, no tone. I'd have to read the manual to advise you on other settings. Our April NBARC meeting is this coming Wednesday April 13th at 1930ET (doors open about 1900) at the OPP Comm Centre on Goremanville Rd in Horth Bay. If you can make the meeting bring the manual and someone there would be able to at least get you started. Saturday coffee at Northgate Square (1000-1100 +/-) is another choice if you can't make the meeting. This Saturday is the Durham Hamfest so there probably won't be many at coffee. There is a spare seat in my van right now if you were interested and there will be lotsa expertise in the van.
73/Drew VE3MAF
I'm going to set up my APRS here shortly -its been boxed since we moved up here so once I relearn the setup I can help you. I'll look at your radio manual first off. I just dedicate a Yaesu FT-470 handi with a PK 232 PackRatt TNC (old school)
cheers, Russ
p.s. Spring Cleanup scheduled yet