VE3PME - 2009, March 24 - 20:44

Got this new portable radio with APRS feature and not sure how to use it. When I tune the radio to 144.390 it sounds like a modem is training but there is no station info? My radio is a Yaesu VX-8R. Any tips or info would be appreciated.
Mikey, It could be that the radio has the APRS transmit feature only.
You have the ability to input your callsign, and hook up a GPS and the radio takes the information and outputs a properly formatted APRS message that is picked up by a digipeater or gateway and is then put on the internet. I know some of the mobile radios have the capability to display on their screens nearby APRS activity, but I'm not sure the portables can do that. On the other hand, if the radio software can decode APRS signals as well as encode them, you might be able to see whats going on nearby on the screen of your GPS.
Bring the manual to the next meeting - a quick look see might shed some light.