NBARC Community Events

Community Events notices and reports.ARES Events and reports are included as well.

Lost in the Rocks and Tress


 Paul VA3PC, Betty and I took a road trip out to Mattawa tonight to check out the Lost in the Rocks and Trees start finish.
With the Help of Chris VE3CEA we were able to determine the radio paths from the start finish to the repeater in Mattawa….. The GOOD news is that we can talk directly to the repeater and should not have any problems on race day.
If you can help out on July 17th please sign up on the web page or email me:

Lost in the Rocks and Trees


 Hi folks
The Lost in the Rocks and Trees event is coming up July 17th.
There are only three people signed up to attend this event to date.
We need more volunteers to successfully run this event.
For the first time in many years I won't be able to attend and will be looking for someone to take the lead.
So if you are looking for something to do on the 17th we need your help.
This is a fun and challenging event and a great learning event for the new Hams out there.


LAT: 43 deg 55 min 29 sec N
LONG: 79 deg 17 min 39 sec W
For more info 


North Bay Triathlon


 Hi Folks
Tomorrow we are providing communications for the North Bay Triathlon.
I have sign up so far:
The route this year has changed and I could use a few more volunteers.
If you are available tomorrow morning Sunday June 27 please let me know via the NBARC web page or direct to me via email
The event is from 08:00 to about noon
Please meet at Olmsted Beach (Trout Lake) between 08:00 – 08:30

Patrick4Life Report


Patrick4Life walk/run was held in the morning of Sunday June 13, 2010. It was a great day. Overcast with a bit of a breeze to keep the participants cool. I don't have any firm numbers but there were over 900 participants registered. This is a fun event consisting of a 1//2 marathon (21.1K) a 10K, 5K and 2K event. The 1/2 marathon left the gate at 0830. They run out to Cranberry Rd and the Kate Pace Way and turn around. The 1st runner was back about 0925. The 5K & 10K started at 0815 and the 2K started at 0930. The last runner was in at 1120.



 Hi Folks
The Patrick4life p4L walk run is this Sunday. This is a half day event approx 8 am to noon.
I will need 6 to 8 people to help out. We provide safety communications for this event. If you can help out please sign up in the event section or send me a email that you will attend and your Tee shirt size.

MS Walk - Sunday 30 May 2010


The walk was a success this year with about 250 walkers participating.  They were a little late getting started, and the sweep forgot to sweep, but we persevered.  Weather was great with no cases of over or underheating. Thanks to Norm VE3NLH, Bruce VA3BDR, Jerry VE3YO, Howard VE3GMG, and Pam H. (who kept me focused) for the assistance.
73, Paul VA3PC

MS Walk - Sunday May 30th 08:30


We have been asked to provide safety comms for the MS Walk Sunday 30th May.  Anyone that wants to help out, please sign up on the website or send me an e-mail.  We'll plan to gather in the parking lot at the waterfront near the gazebo around 08:30 unless I get an update on the times. I'd like to get 4 or 5 people out for this.
The routes for last year are in the: > archive > documentation area of the website.
Thanks in advance;
73 Paul

100507 Emergency Preparedness Week 2010 Display


Emergency Preparedness Week runs May 3rd through May 8th. NBARC is going to have a display table set up in Northgate Square Friday/Saturday May 7th/8th. We need people to staff it for a few hours each and this is a good way to bring ham radio into public attention. Unfortunately my boss wants my body at work.  Doug VA3DLJ   is organizing it. He is looking for volunteers for Friday afternoon/evening and Saturday. He will be setting up Friday morning and taking it down Saturday afternoon. You will meet the public and answer questions about amateur radio.

2010 Emergency Prepardness Week

We will be setting up an Amateur Radio/ARES display in the mall Friday May 7th and Saturday May 8th. Volunteers are required.


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