RAC Bulletin 2014-03-01

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RAC Ontario Sections Bulletin for March 1, 2014
1. CFSO Steps Down
Doug Mercer, VO1DM, has retired as RAC's Chief Field Service
Officer.  RAC President Geoff Bawden says "He has served with
distinction in that post for the last four years. His was a tough
file and he gained the respect of all who worked with him. After four
years he wanted to have a personal life and has stood down as CFSO."
Our thanks to Doug for his hard work.
-- The RAC Report
2. Brampton Hamfest
The Peel and Mississauga Amateur Radio Clubs will hold Ham-Ex 2014 on
Saturday, March 22, at the Brampton Fall Fairgrounds, Heart Lake Road
and Old School Road, in Brampton.  Exhibits and demonstrations open
at 8 am, flea market at 9 am. Talk-in on VE3PRC 146.88 (-) no tone,
or VE3MIS 145.43 (-) 103.5 Hz tone. For more information visit
-- RAC Events Database
3. St. Patrick's Day Award
A new St Patricks Day award is being launched this year.  The
operating period is March 17th from 0000 to 2359 UTC. For information
about how to become a registered award station, or how to participate
as a regular station, visit their web page, stpatrickaward.webs.com
-- Southgate ARC News
4. ISS Gets Ten More Years
NASA has announced that the International Space Station will continue
to operate until at least 2024.  The extra time allows NASA and other
space agencies around the world to pursue a number of important
goals.  For more information visit www.nasa.gov/station
-- NASA web page and Handi-Ham News
5. Radio Monitoring Guide
"Radio Monitoring: A How-To Guide" by Skip Arey, N2EI, is a 348-page
book including chapters on spectrum use, antennas and grounds,
safety, and propagation. The book is available as a free download
under a Creative Commons license. Download the 6.4 MB PDF file at
tinyurl.com/lc5ssht (Lima Charlie Five Sierra Sierra Hotel Tango)
-- ARRL Contest Update