RAC Bulletin 120128

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RAC Ontario Section Bulletin for January 28, 2012


1. New Quebec Director

Congratulations to Mr. Sheldon M. Werner, VA2SH / VA6SH, who was
recently elected as the RAC Director for Quebec. Mr. Werner ran
unopposed, eliminating the need for a balloted election. His role as
Director will be for the remainder of a two year term which ends
December 31, 2013. Mr. Werner has been an amateur operator since
1976 and is currently the Vice President for the Montreal Amateur
Radio Club.

-- Paul Burggraaf VO1PRB, RAC Corporate Secretary

2. WRC-2012

The World Radiocommunication Conference (WRC 2012) is now underway
and runs until February 17. This year, the delegation from Canada is
composed of Industry Canada Staff along with Bryan Rawlings VE3QN -
our RAC representative. A report on WRC 2012 will appear in a future
issue of The Canadian Amateur.

-- RAC Bulletin Service


3. Collingwood 2 Metre Net

Effective immediately, the Collingwood Amateur Radio Club weekly net
will be held on Thursdays at 7 pm, on the VA3ROG Blue Mountain
repeater, 145.37 MHz (-), 118.8 Hz tone. All amateurs are welcome to
check in. The net formerly met on Wednesdays.

-- Helena Short, VE3GFS


4. FAR Seeks Scholarship Applicants

Canadian amateurs pursuing higher education may be eligible for one
or more of the scholarships administered by the Foundation for
Amateur Radio (FAR). The application deadline for most awards is
April 15, although a few have a May 15 deadline. Details and
downloadable applications may be found online at www.farweb.org, or
request an application package by sending a letter or QSL card to:
FAR Scholarships, P.O. Box 911, Columbia, MD 21044-0911 USA.

-- CQ News Service

5. Amateurs Asked to Listen for RS-39 Satellite

The Chibis-M microsatellite, also known as RS-39 (RadioSputnik 39),
was placed into orbit Tuesday evening. RS-39 has CW beacons on
435.315 and 435.215 MHz, and amateurs are asked to submit reception
reports via email to amateur-rs39 (at) chibis.cosmos.ru. Each report
will be acknowledged with a special QSL. The CW telemetry format is
available at tinyurl.com/RS-39-Morse-Code-Telemetry, and decoding
software can be downloaded at www.dk3wn.info/files/rs39.zip

-- ARRL Web